The webinar will discuss the key findings from recent global and Japanese RIMES Buy-Side Surveys, which uncovers the data management challenges asset managers face, as well as the technology and solutions being explored to overcome them. The demand for high quality data, more extensive coverage, a faster time-to-market and more demanding operational efficiencies is to be contrasted against more challenging market conditions, made worse by the COVID-19 situation. Diarmuid O’Donovan will also share his insights, as an ex-practitioner, to add a practical dimension of leading such transformational business changes in this sharing session.
16:00-17:30 JST, Thursday 19 November
Zoom webinar (free event) The zoom link will be informed to participants ahead of the event.
Part 1: Highlights of the 2019 Japan Buy-side Survey to illustrate the findings from 2019 (Japanese) Speaker – Yoshihide Kisaichi, Manager, Nomura Research Institute
Part 2: Highlights of the 2020 Global Buy-side Survey to illustrate the global trends/thinking (English) Speaker – Jonathan Hammond, Partner, SIONIC
Part 3: Execution and leadership tips from an ex-Chief Data Officer (English)
Speaker – Diarmuid O’Donovan, Chief Operating Officer, RIMES Technologies
Alternatively, please apply by filling in “name, company / department name, email address” to by Tuesday, November 17th.
organizer: RIMES, supported by JIAM