Asset Management X Fintech workshop in November 28th
How can blockchain transform the asset management industry?Mr Mamoru Tsuchiya, Executive Officer and Head of Blockchain Promotion at SBI Holdings was the perfect speaker to talk this through. We first heard from him about Corda distributed ledger technology (DLT) which underpins blockchain and about some use cases of a tokenized economy enabled by Corda. We also learned about FundAdminChain (FCA), a London-based start-up which attempts to disrupt fund transaction which currently involves many intermediaries and added cost. FCA aims to eliminate inefficiencies and frictions between the various players, tokenize all asset classes and reduce/visualise costs involved in flows. This is an initiative which we should keep an eye on.
Mr. Masayoshi Shoji, Director of FinTech Innovation Division, KPMG Japan Ltd. was the facilitator and also had a discussion. It is a blockchain technology that is already widely used in logistics, but what kind of utilization method is used in the asset management industry, and the case where overseas asset management start-up companies are actually using enterprise blockchain , We deepened discussions with the participants on how to utilize them in Japan and the issues of regulation.