
JIAM​ hosts a ​roundtable ​event at the Australian Embassy

2017.10.11 (Wed)

JIAM​,​ ​together with Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting and Australian Embassy, hosted a ​roundtable ​event at the Australian Embassy, Tokyo which featured high profile guests from the ​Australian ​financial ​s​ervices ​i​ndustry and ​the ​Japan​ese​ ​asset ​m​anagement ​i​ndustry.
The roundtable session started with ​a ​welcome speech by ​the Australian ​Ambassador​ to Japan​, the Hon​.​ Richard Court AM, and opening remarks by ​the ​Senator ​and ​the Hon​.​ Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance of Australia.
JIAM Representative Director, Keiichi Aritomo ​gave ​a ​key note speech, presenting ​a report on the ​Tokyo Metropolitan Government​’s​ recent activities.

Click here to view voices from the guests.

